Saturday, April 13, 2024

spring 2024

See the site home page for the current update.

More exemplary persons” gives tribute to a leading mind in journalism.

March 30 | I regard two occasioned postings as together exemplifying a scale of caring which is integral to our times:

Here now the dead” (Mar. 27) gives tribute to life, relative to a literary theorist who died in March. One’s life can exemplify the virtue of authentic being, even when not yet influencing heirs. Thinking of lives generally may reaffirm a virtue of being for the humanity of caring.

Is the Singularity nearer?” (Mar. 22) marks a moment in the culture of A.I. which is not really intelligent in the sense of persons, though neural-networked algorithmic power is evolving at a startling pace.

Humanity was largely clueless about a heating Earth until very recently (though many climate scientists were alarmed in the early 1980s). Will humanity yield to techno-philes awed by becoming subject to a silicon god beyond control? Or is it that they want to become gods?

Friday, March 15, 2024

winter 2024

See the site home page for the current update.

I’m so close to doing lots of postings regularly. But I haven’t gained closure on clarifying the internal relations of the tens of themes that postings will altogether express: an intricate weave. Like finalizing readiness to build a house: It begins with slow assembly of a design which gradually emerges.
But the point of making a house is the home which can be there, discursive homemaking to be.

Friday, January 19, 2024

justification for neologism

Conceptual prospecting is common in philosophical work, but may seem hermetic.

Wanting new concepts follows from working beyond confounding uses of standard ones. Experimental thinking is good! It's fun.

One can propose and explicate new senses of standard concepts (which I usually do), but new concepts can be an easier way to avoid confusion or misleading ambiguity—and avoid concealment of the better sense of a standard term (when staying with the standard term in a new way) because a reader is habituated to standard senses—seldom clear anyway, which dictionaries easily display.