Friday, February 9, 2018

closure on an era of writing: 2004-2017

I’ve organized 13 years of Web pages and postings into—as—a unified work,
not to have myself dwell on that integrated scaffolding. Rather, I’m performing
a transition beyond all of that (“of” The Project), as now-demonstrated appropri-ation of many years’ improvisations in light of The Project which the pointillism of years implicitly anticipated; and now implicitly warrants as cohering work, in terms of a “monographic” organization of it all.

Through 2017, 50-to-100 Web pages and postings were linked through the six Area pages (listed on the right side of the home page). Now, 850+ more pages and postings have been linked through the first four Areas listed on the home page. (The bottom two Areas will be developed independently of past work.)

All of the “new” pages and postings, 2004 through 2017, have been available online elsewhere, but not drawn together into a singularity: now 1,000+ pages and postings.

Technicalities of the organization (for the pedantic mind) are discussed here.

But the four Area pages themselves are largely empty, presently (though each links to their relevant tens of related sets of pages and postings). That’s because the entire organization performs a closure for the sake of beginning newly.
I’ve earned myself a warranted (“monograph”ed) Clearing.

January 1 | While organizing past material into my new approach to my project, I came across a posting that I want to recycle. It’s 10+ years old, but I’m surprised and gratified by how relevant and, to me, important it remains: “child’s point,” August 2006.

January 3 | June, 2016, during the bizarre season of presidential election politics, I posted something else that I want to recycle now: on the rationality of convincing?: “What makes one argument better than another?” That is not a formal discourse on argumentation theory; but it’s a useful example of a minimal sense of the notion of “event of appropriation” that’s congruent with the thinking of both Habermas and Heidegger. (I linked to this at Google+ with the header “You too can become a philologist of conceptual gardening.”

Does irreverence proffer invalidity?

No, dear.)

December 30 | The conceptual clarity I’ve sought for years is done—except that it’s intended to evolve in light of future readings that will be appropriated, thus being a project that’s never to be finished (like a life: until it ends).

But organizing a decade of work (apart from what’s already available for this site) and writing an introduction to that will take awhile.

December 2 | However large a landscape, journeying through can only happen point by point, paragraph by paragraph. What’s the better path? Connecting points by ground, one can’t really grasp a gestalt of the route. Altitude helps. A picture is worth a lot. But, if gaining altitude is only possible through the path—if flying presumes clear directions about how to fly—then, there’s no alternative to designing paths and scaffolds, conceptualities (be they heuristic or primordial) and constellations to realize.

I have many, many, many points to make, in a manner of conceptual gardening, so much fun to cultivate.

January 13 | I’m working 10 hours per day on expanding and reorganizing the Website, which involves more technicalities than I anticipated—and 850+ Webpages and postings.