Saturday, June 19, 2021

a point of flexible perspectivity

Here are two ways—two allegories, two metaphoricities—to express where
I’ve been and I am in The Open:
1: I’ve finished the design of the house, but I don’t want to take time to see it built (which would clearly show you how I’ve been: designing the house) before developing another design.

I’m a builder, too, but architecture is far more appealing.

Well, could I at least share the blueprint drawings of the façade?
Yes, but that wouldn’t express the point of the house as result of
a generative process
. The blueprint doesn’t represent the Work
which has the ostensible result.

Indeed, the house is a design of generativity—in a sense: a meta-house, a conceptual dwelling, whose architexture shows only by living through it—which wouldn’t be to recapitulate its genesis; rather, to live through an appropriation of the house with you.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

spring 2021

I’m working with my notes 10 to 14 hours daily, believing I have a realistic sense of the distance to a horizon (goal)—“new postings regularly, beginning in a week or so,” he says, below—and I’m usually wrong.

However, I’ve gotten to a culminative point that the coming week will clarify (offline). I’m stoked (as we used to say), exuberant. I wish I don’t need sleep. (Maybe the E.T.s, sending unidentifiable aerial phenomena around, can pursue their fun 24/7.)