Wednesday, December 6, 2023
autumn 2023
See the site home page for the current update.
“‘lifecycleness,’ so to speak” prospects a felicitous neologism for exploratory conceptual work. “Meaning of significance: part 1” begins a venture about there being texted presence between author and reader which is usually figurative (showing implicature) manifoldly. A speaker/writer is figurative because being understood is normally wanted more than expressiveness.
Nov. 25 | “Empathing toward Andromeda” is proximally about creative process, ultimately about intelligent life. It’s not the follow up to “precious life” anticipated yesterday. It evinces from the appeal of conceptual work not yet online (which, by the way, isn’t oriented toward astrofiction).
Nov. 24 | “Precious life” is supposed to be followed by a constructive discussion (not more polemic and fancifulness), but I didn’t get it done.
I want to add that I’m concerned with sentient human life, not the mythical psychism which anti-“Choice” persons cherish.
Precious life “calls for” fidelity to precious values associable with fair chances for thriving and individuational flourishing through curiosity, engagement, belonging, appreciation, aspiration, and much more that good parenting and teaching provide, which altogether draws a life into precious purposes, having life-long appeal. True community promotes, ensures, and advances precious reasons to live.
Nov. 2 | New discussions are coming soon. Concepts and themes from recent years which are especially important to me will be developed in new ways, with readings of very relevant texts of recent major scholars brought into explorations.
I have a long road mapped ahead, not dependent on what’s been done. Rather, past work online was anticipatory at the time it was done. I’ve had a prevailing sense of the Project for many years, though offline articulation of its recursive cyclicity—its generativity—has evolved.
Nov. 2 | All I’ve put online the past several years which appeals for developing beyond that is listed as “appealing ways of understanding.” It’s a very long listing of available topics, 2019—2022, but it provides an easy way to get a holistic sense of what I’m doing. The “preface” explains it all. My cyclic Project is claiming at least to be interesting, maybe usefully so (to conceptually minded persons). Anyway, it’s the venturing I enjoy.
My online “sense of this site” is very outdated (December 2020). I haven’t given time to revising it, but I will soon.
Oct. 28 | I have no apt words for how endless news about so much psychotic savagery against Our “shared” humanity is exhausting me because I feel duty to know all I can about the suffering of survivors who can’t turn away.
Who am I to be worn down, in comfortable distance, relative to innumerable surviving others’ unbearable loss of everything.
Oct. 14 | Though wishful thinking about the Hama-Israeli conflict can’t be realistic, given the fog of information and history, We must hope that Our humanity prevails.
Oct. 7 | My project on value conceptuality has integrated notes from a decade of mixed-note pages—hundreds of pages relating to tens of projects— but the resulting 153 pages of pertinent themes and dense paragraphs aren’t the near-term scaffold for any accessible narrative. So, I need another week or more before beginning to present cogent parts which will gradually (over some years, I guess) accumulate into a large-scale coverage—while other projects are also developing. My years-old trope of “conceptual gardening” remains apt.
Sept. 23 | An article appeared today which occasioned my celebration of the supreme political value of democratic constitutional.
Sept 22 | I truly want to avoid indicating a “check-in” date, but then have nothing new to share. Writerly immersion must follow its emergent ways, which can’t yet be good presentation which came back here already for returning with you to there by way of comfortable narrative.
You know: my worn-out trope of not giving time for sending a post card home from the trail because journeying into an always receding horizon so appeals—especially given that this hiker wants to understand horizonality as such,
a phenomenological trope beyond topographic figuring.
See? Aren’t you glad to be spared?
Sept. 10 | My work on value theory—or, I prefer—value conceptuality is continuing well.
Preferring, by the way, is integral to value. Values mirror preferences. That point may seem trivial, but the character of preference as valuing can be mysterious.